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Medium Super (6 5/8” box)

Medium Super (6 5/8” box)

Regular price $60.00 Sale

We use these smaller boxes for all of our honey production for several reasons. Honey is heavy, even a full super is 60lbs so it makes working the hive much easier when the honey is still on the hive. Also when it come harvest time that too is much easier loading and unloading frames. Lastly is the ease of extracting and uncapping  is much easier with these smaller frames.

We make all our boxes ourselves from locally sourced wood. All boxes are painted white and have finger jointed corners for maximum strength. 
Price is for one single box with frames, if you plan on ordering quanities please send me an email for a personalized bulk quote. (Beecountryapiary@gmail.com)

*We currently only have 10 frame equipment available for local pickup only*